The Afrofuture Strategies Institute

Journey to the Future.


Brand Audit

Brand Strategy


Web Consulting

Art Direction


With over two decades of experience, Ingrid LaFleur cultivated and expanded the cultural movement of Afrofuturism. Her mission to use Afrofuturism to tackle socio-economic inequities led her to create The Afrofuture Strategies Institute (TASI). TASI is a forward-thinking conline platform that empowers people to creatively envision new futures that center Black beings, innovation, imagination, and creativity. TASI already had an established brand when they approached us, but needed a cohesive and streamlined visual appearance to appeal to corporate audiences while remaining true to her ideal demographic of creatives and academics.


We audited her current branding and website to provide her with tailored language for her audience and visuals to match. TASI’s visual identity blends the scientific and technological with the intuitive and imaginative. Repetition, vortexes, and editable templates mimic her ability to blend mystical techniques with afrofuture strategies. While Ingrid was still ruminating on her offerings and plans for her consultancy, we helped her dream up a framework for where it could go in the future.

We crafted a bespoke logotype with curving forms and a twinkling star, bringing abstract concepts down to earth. TASI’s secondary icon simplifies the star within a vortexed womb, evocative of space and time.

We chose a neo-contemporary base with custom accents. TASI’s logos encapsulate its three core pillars: to imagine, strategize, and manifest.

Its iconography inspires visions of the future connected to stars and the cosmos. 

TASI needed creative guidance for future workshops yet to be implemented. We helped them develop collateral to apply across social, web, and print channels.

TASI wanted to maintain a vibrant and rich color palette, so we chose color concepts reminiscent of digital screens and Earth.